Trauma Support- Brainspotting
We all experience painful events that cause great pain throughout our lives. As a means of survival, our brains bury those events so that we can navigate life. Sometimes, the pain from those events surface and contaminate spaces where we should be experiencing joy or the thrill of taking risks so that we can adventure through life. At Renew Counseling and Consultation, we will use brainspotting, a research based modality that effectively and quickly heals clients from the pain of traumatic events. Through brainspotting, you will be able to unlock the trauma and face it head on. Brainspotting is much more effective than talk therapy. In fact, talk therapy does not help people to heal from trauma. Sadly, many people spend years in talk therapy to still remain wounded and hurt. Brainspotting can begin to reverse the sting of trauma after one session.
Academic Coaching
Academics typically causes conflict between teens and parents. Many teens struggle academically as a result of lack of organizational, time management, and communication skills. In these cases, parents often provide teens with sound advice, which is met with resistance. Allow Renew counseling and consultation to partner with teens as academic coaches who help teens effectively manage classes and extracurricular activities.
Support for Teens
Teens live in a world completely unlike the world in which you grew up. There is enough stress associated with relationships, school, and extracurricular activities, but when you add social media and technology, the pressure can be explosive. At Renew counseling and consultation, we help parents and teens navigate through life with all of its pressures. Renew counseling and consultation equips parents and teens to learn to understand each other and to partner with each other to overcome life's challenges.
Support for Couples
At Renew Counseling and Consultation, we believe that your relationship can flourish and be a place of peace. We equip couples to solve current problems and change unhelpful thinking and behavior. We will provide you with valuable tools to cope with life’s obstacles. The road to health and flourishing is not easy but we believe you can preserver and thrive in your relationship.
Support for Adults
Life presents us with a variety of problems, issues and concerns. Regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in, its never too late to improve your life. Allow us to partner with you so that you can experience all that life has to offer. Whatever you find yourself dealing with, we are ready to step in an help you move toward thriving.
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At Renew Counseling and Consultation, your mental health and well-being is important to us. We love helping our clients develop the tools they need to cope with all of life’s challenges, and we get great satisfaction from seeing them heal and thrive. Contact us today to see how we can help you.